“This is fantastic - I’ve got a laser pointer! … Holy mackerel … ah man, that’s terrific!”
– Donald Rumsfeld
Defense contractors say that within the next 10 years they’ll have a solid state laser mounted on a Hummer that can put a hole in sheet of metal from several miles away. Well Dutch graffiti writers can pretty much do that now with this Hymermobil rocking a GRL L.A.S.E.R. Tagging System.
Find out from Agent Watson how this big fucking laser works and download the open source code (built in C++ using Open Frameworks).
When the Pentagon finally does get those hand-held lasers I know a few writers in Holland who will be the first to rack them: F. Lady, BIC, Dask, Walk, NW, WLC (Berlin), Oles, Lastplak, Baschz, Evas, El Pussycat, EVK, Losers, TM, Curry, Ros, Raid, Guilty, LRK, VEV, GPS and ERAS. Thanks to everyone and all our love to Rotterdam (bring an umbrella).
A production of the GRL, Agent Watson, Bennett4Senate, and Huib Van Der Werf. This Weapon of Mass Defacement brought to you by the rouge nation of the Netherlands and the Atelier Rijksbouwmeester.
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